ADHD Comorbidity

May 1, 2009
ADHD rarely is the only diagnoisis made, it is occurs often with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Bipolar Disorder, ect.

New Drug

November 10, 2008
New Drug

Discussion of effectiveness of treatment w/medication, Benzodiazapines

October 30, 2008
Mathew RJ, Wilson WH:

Evaluation of the effects of diazepam and an experimental anti-anxiety drug on regional cerebral blood flow.

Department of Psychiatry, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710
Psychiatry Res 1991 Oct;40(2):125-34
AB -- In the normal brain, cerebral blood flow (CBF) and function are closely coupled. Thus, changes in brain function associated with drug-induced anxiety reduction should be accompanied by parallel CBF changes. Benzodiazepines such as diazepam have been reported to reduce CBF. It is unclear, however, if this CBF decrease is specifically a function of the anti-anxiety property of the drug. To examine the relationship between drug-induced anxiety reduction and CBF changes more closely, i.v. injections of an established anxiolytic agent and an experimental anti-anxiety drug were given to patients with generalized anxiety disorder. CBF and anxiety levels were measured before and 30 min after i.v. administration of diazepam (0.12 mg/kg), ondansetron (0.24 mg/kg), and normal saline during separate visits to the laboratory. The order of drug administration was randomized, and the injections were given under double-blind conditions. Diazepam but not ondansetron or saline reduced anxiety. Global CBF reduction was seen after diazepam, but no changes were found following the other two experimental conditions. The CBF values were adjusted for test-retest changes in carbon dioxide levels. Postdiazepam decreases in CBF and anxiety levels did not correlate.

Anxiety Medications and Detox Methods

October 30, 2008
I recently found some interesting information that most Doctors and Pychiatrist are unaware of. I was browsing . Every benzodiazapine is interchangeable when it comes to tapering the dose or detoxing with the exception of the most addictive one Xanax (Alprazolam). Xanax must be tapered useing Xanax at a rate of .5mg every 3-7 days or even slower for higher doses ex. 4mg. a day and up. If you don't want to or can't go through a long and uncomfortable tapering process I recomend they can detox you off any dose of Xanax or any other benzo with I.V. drugs in about 3 hours while you are awake, with no withdrawl. They also do Rapid Opiate Detox and they are one of about 3 places in the country that do it safely without any withdrawl.

Discussion of Different Tratment Approaches

October 30, 2008


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